Within the framework of the job seeking, vocational training, and qualification enhancement state program, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia announces implementation of the short-term training programs, in conjunction with starting an application process.
Vocational education institutions, which wish to engage in “job seeking, vocational training, and qualification enhancement state program” should present their short-term training programs to the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia by June 30, 2016.
Short-term training and educational programs should be developed based on the professions approved by the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs. (see. Appendix).
Short-term vocational training programs besides other imprant information, is bound to include information on the program duration (days and astronomical hours), program cost (a value calculated on one user, taking into consideration the minimum and maximum amount of users in a single group), as well as the ratio between the practical and theoretical studies.
For the additional information regarding the job seeking, vocational training, and qualification enhancement state program, or the information about the procedures or the service delibry, please find attached the document – “the State Decree №238 of June 2, 2016 about the adoption of the job seeking, vocational training, and qualification enhancement state program).